
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Soup Recipes

Happy Easter! Whether you celebrate the holiday for religious reasons or enjoy it for the act of exchanging colorful baskets and coloring eggs with your kids, this spring holiday is also a great way to test out and sample some new soup recipes. I recently found several inspiring recipes that concentrate on the use of eggs and egg yolks as well as those that use meat stocks and even some that use various parts of a lamb. Whether you are feeling adventurous or seeking something a little simpler this Easter, I hope you try out something new on this short, but sweet Easter Soup recipe list.

Roman Easter Soup - Image Credit: Serious Eats
Roman Easter Soup - Created by Chef Gina DePalma (pastry chef at Babbo), this two-part Roman Easter Soup first involves the making a beef and lamb broth and then the actual soup that is made with egg yolks, herbs, grated cheese, bread, and lemon. DePalma describes the soup as "balanced" thanks to the rich combination of the eggs and the meaty broth. Definitely one to try this Easter.

Easter Soup - Featured on, this interesting soup by Lorac features the quintessential Easter food - eggs - and pairs it with kielbasa, heavy cream, vinegar and horseradish. Finished in about an hour, this rich soup would be a create way to start any Easter meal.

Mageiritsa Easter Soup - Image Credit:
Mageiritsa Easter Soup - An Easter Soup for the adventurous eater, this soup by includes some basic components of a soup (dill, onions, olive oil, lemon, white wine and thyme) along with the liver, lungs and intestines of a lamb. If you can manage to find all of those parts, provides a very detailed explanation of how to prepare the organs and then the Avgolemoni sauce. Designed to feed six people, this can be a very interesting experience for your Easter dinner - if you are up for the challenge.

What soups are making on Easter?
Seriously Soupy Serena

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