
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Foodie Link and Seriously Soupy's Souperbowl Winter Soup Contest

With the temps dropping into the single-digits I have definitely been taking refuge by making soups. FoodieLink, a website that focuses on healthy food, good eating and long-term sustainability and myself have paired up to sponsor a Soupbowl Winter Soup Contest. Contestants - both amateur chefs and professionals - are asked to submit their favorite soup recipe (using at least one locally-sourced ingredient) to compete in a live soup cook off at Jimmy’s No. 43 in January. Members of the FoodieLink community will have a chance to vote for their Top 10 favorite soup recipes. Contestants will then be asked to compete on January 26th in a live-judging/all-you-can-eat soup taste tasting event. The grand prize winner will be featured on FoodieLink along with exciting prizes for the second and third place soup recipes.

A quarter of the proceeds will go to the Bowery Mission, a non-profit soup kitchen in NYC.
TICKETS for this fundraiser and all-you-can-eat soup party costs $30/per person and includes bread from Orwasher’s Bakery, regional cheeses, and the chance to get to know good foodies including NYC food professionals. Soup recipes are free to enter and the top 10 contestants will attend the event for free.

To enter your soup recipe, please fill out this form on FoodieLink. To learn more about this exciting winter soup contest, please visit FoodieLink.

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