
Monday, September 27, 2010

Soup 101: What is Stock, Bouillon, and Broth?

Vegetables for soup stock - Seriously Soupy
Since I've started Soupy, I've been learning so many new things about soup through experimenting with new recipes and ingredients. I learned how to make my own stock and use different flavorings (see Project Food Blog post on using feungreek and cardamom pods) and to trust myself and create new soups. I realized, though, that Soupy is lacking an All About Soup Section  -- to read about and discuss the basics of soup techniques, soups preparation, ingredients, etc. Since I am still learning myself, I'll call this section Soupy 101 and as I continue to learn it will be expand to hopefully be a comprehensive glossary of soup terms. For now, here's a brief lesson on bouillon, stock, and broth and be sure to check out Soupy next week when I talk about the differences between stew, soup, bisque, and chowder. Until up!

Soup 101:
What is Bouillon Cube or Granules? 

Bouillon cubes are made from chicken, fish, meat or vegetables, along with oil and salt that is dried or dehydrated. When placed into water -- such as a soup pot -- the cube dissolves and its flavors are released. According to Wise Geek, bouillon was first introduced in the late 1800s as a cheaper and more convenient alternative to meat.

Adventurous? Try Trail Food's How to Make Your Own Bouillon recipe.

What is Stock?
Stock is often considered the base of most soups. Beginning with water, stock can be made with beef, fish, chicken, various vegetables, etc, along with various herbs and spices. Stock takes several hours to prepare whose flavorings are extracted during the cooking process that enhances the taste of a soup. 

Stock Recipes:  
Vegetable Soup Stock - Seriously Soupy
Chicken Stock - Seriously Soupy
How to Make Your Own Beef Stock - The Awl
How to Make Fish Stock - Home Cooking Rocks

What is Broth?
Broth is the liquid version of bouillon that is generally prepared the same way as stock. However, in general, broth is cooked with meat and its bones and is sometimes thicker than stock.

Anything to add to the class? I would love to hear about it in the comments section.

Seriously Soupy Serena

1 comment:

  1. As many times as I've reviewed the differences among stock and broth and bouillon, I still need to refresh myself. Thanks for the refresher!
