
Friday, August 20, 2010

Roasted Curried Fennel and Yellow Squash Soup

 Roasted Curried Fennel and Yellow Squash Soup - Seriously Soupy 

I have maybe had a handful of experiences with the licorice-tasting vegetable better know as fennel. I'm pretty sure I've had a braised fennel something and I can vaguely recall a shaved fennel salad; but for the most part I haven't really eaten fennel and I definitely have never cooked with it. As a new ingredient for me, I wasn't really sure what flavors would work together and it would work as a soup. I read that roasting it was the way to go and I did so using olive oil and garlic. I also used some mild curry powder, tumeric, ginger and a pinch of paprika, along with a yellow squash and a little cream to complete the soup. And boy, oh boy was I shocked by this soup! This new flavorful combination blended really well together that was part creamy and smooth with a richness from the yellow squash and touch of the fennel's licorice-like flavors that ending up being the perfect light summer soup. Perhaps, this soup may just make a fennel fan out of me...

The curious-looking vegetable, better know as fennel

Roasted Curried Fennel and Yellow Squash Soup
2 cups of water, approx. 
1 large bulb of fennel
1 yellow squash
drizzle of olive oil
1/4 cup of cream, optional
2 tablespoons of garlic, chopped up
1 tablespoon of cumin, approx.
1 tablespoon of curry, approx.
1 tablespoon of ginger, approx.
1 pinch of paprika, use your judgement
pinch of sea salt
For croutons, check out this recipe
Servings: 2-3

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Chop up the fennel stalks and bulb and place them on a baking sheet or a piece of aluminum foil. Chop up the garlic and add it to the fennel, along with some olive oil and salt. Let roast for 25 minutes, checking on the fennel periodically. Add water to a medium-sized pot and let boil. Chop up the squash and add to the boiling water. Check on the fennel and add it to the pot. Make sure the flame is on low. Add the seasonings (tumeric, curry, paprika and cumin), along with the cream. Stir and cover the pot. Let cook for another 15 minutes. Turn off flame or remove and taste. When cool, pour into a blender or blend together with a hand mixer. Taste again to determine if additional seasonings are needed. Pour in a bowl and enjoy!

What types of soups have you made with fennel?
Seriously Soupy Serena

Roasted Curried Fennel and Yellow Squash Soup


  1. I braise and caramelize fennel often. I stick it in chicken soups - love it. Never tred a curried version so this will be fun.

  2. I love the spices you've used to flavor this soup. Delicious!

  3. @ Claudia - sticking fennel in chicken soup sounds like a great idea. I'll have to try that when it gets colder out.

    @Mother Rimmy - thank you! I'm a huge curry fan. Do you like fennel?

  4. I made a slight variation of this recipe tonight (most notable of which was replacing cream with goat cheese). Spicy and yummy. My 7 month old daughter and husband loved it, 4 year old stepson wouldn't touch it! Oh well. Such is life. I thought it was delicious.
