
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Book Review: Raw Energy

 "Raw Energy: 124 Raw Food Recipes for Energy Bars, Smoothies and Other Snacks to Supercharge Your Body"
(Photo Credit: Food & Beverage

Raw energy, um I could use some of that, and maybe after reading Stephanie Tourles book -- by the same name -- I will be on my way thanks to her super healthy non-cooked soup recipes. Although, the book is packed with raw recipes ranging from vegetable chips, trail mixes, energy bars, smoothies and even cookies and candies, the obvious focus for this review is all about her soups.

Having a raw focus means that none of the soups in Tourles book are cooked or use processed ingredients. I've featured a few raw soups on Soupy like this chilled watermelon/lime soup and Jessica Hulett's raw spinach soup and am certainly a fan of simplicity in the kitchen (not to mention reaping the benefits of eating raw). After reading Tourles' collection of soup recipes there are so many more exciting soup recipes to try out that only require a blender and some patience while the soups chill. Here are some of my favorites.

1. Tahitian mango ginger soup recipe, which also happens to be the first recipe to kick-off the soup section, is described as having a "delicious hint of warming spices" that also aids the digestive system and cleans the kidneys. I love the combination of mint sprigs, gingerroot and curry -- and the fact that it only takes a few minutes to prep doesn't hurt.

2, Honey melon pear soup sounds like the perfect and refreshing recipe for those sticky and humid summer months. Essentially just the melons and some honey and lime the soup is a great source of vitamin C, fiber and just happens to relieve constipation.

3. Cucumber avocado cream soup actually doesn't have any cream, but is a creamy-like soup with a kick thanks to the use of avocados and jalpeno peppers. Now, that is an interesting combo and this  "beauty soup" (described by Tourles) is a great source of antioxidants, healthy fat, protein and fiber.

Other yummy soups featured in "Raw Energy" cool cucumber cress soup, raspberry ricky soup, papaya sunset soup and dreamy carrot cream soup.

Check out Tourles' book. Couldn't we all use a little more 'raw energy' in our lives?

Serioulsy Soupy Serena


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