
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tomato Basil Fish Soup

 Tomato Basil Fish Soup - Seriously Soupy

Spring has sprung! The weather is getting warmer.  The birds are chirping. The flowers are blooming and soup season is still going strong. Yes, that's right soup's for the summer! Generally, people scuff away from soup during this time of year, turning their noses from the brothy delight with the first sign of the sun. But, dear soupy lovers this is not acceptable! Not only is this the season to test out various types of chilled soups, but you can try lighter soups and ones that incorporate seasonal and fresh ingredients like tomatoes, argula, beans, zucchini and on and on. This is also going to be a bit of a challenge as the temps rise, but certainly one that I am excited to partake in. Starting with this tomato basil fish soup to kick off the spring season. Originally, I wanted to create a tomato basil soup, but after coming home from my local co-op with a gorgeous blend of heirloom tomatoes I realized that I had some Tilapa from Trader Joe's that was in dire need of being used (and not just the same old method of pan firing).  So, low and behold the new soupy combo was created using fresh basil and rosemary, mild spices from the pre-seasoned fish, beautiful tomatoes, and the last minute addition of some rice for a light meal. Soups for spring, pass it on!

Tomato Basil Fish Soup
1 32oz container of Imagine organic vegetable broth
2 cups of water (approximately)
Mixture of colorful heirloom tomatoes-(I used two green, two orange, and one red tomato)
bunch of sun-dried tomatoes
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of pre-chopped garlic
1 scallion, chopped up
2 fillets of garlic chili Tilapa from Trader Joe's (fresh fish is another great option)
2 cups of jasmine rice (or any rice you may have)
Bunch of fresh basil
Bunch of fresh rosemary
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of sea salt
pinch of black pepper

Pour the water and broth in a medium-sized bowl with some garlic on a low heat. While that is cooking, chop up the tomatoes (heirloom and sun-dried), scallions, rosemary, and basil and add it to the pot. Cover the pot and add some olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic to a pan. Turn on the flame and let cook for a minute or so, add the fish and cover-making sure to check on it periodically since Tilapa or white fish cooks pretty quickly. When the fish is done, chop it up into squares and add it in the soup pot and cover. Let cook for 15 minutes, taste, and add seasonings (salt, pepper, cinnamon) based on your preference. I also decided to add some jasmine rice to the soup to add little more sustenance to the mix. This involved boiling water and letting the rice cook for 20 minutes. Once this was done, scoop some in a bowl and pour in the soup. Enjoy!

What soups have you tried this spring?

Seriously Soupy Serena

1 comment:

  1. great post, it just looks outstanding and worth try. wow i will try this for sure....
