
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Soup's Up: To Your Health

 A seriously healthy soup-Sweet Potato and Cranberry

 A hearty dose of chickpeas in Seriously Soupy's Hummus Soup

For the most part soup has always been considered a healthy food item — loaded with vegetables and beans, lean meats, and water (or broth) that make it a filing and hearty dish. Of course, there are exceptions to that rule with some cream-based soups, but those to have a place, but maybe more so in moderation. For the most part I too try to make healthy soups, and recently found some interesting articles and new recipes pertaining to just how good soup is for you. So, read up, fill up that ladle, enjoy, and go back for more!
  • Soup for Health- A pretty frank and to the point article, stating that our waistlines have essentially gotten too wide. But, low and behold as Dr. Jonn Matsen states the simplest of answers can be found in eating a good dose of soup with vegetables. Apparently, veggies that are cooked in water release bioflavonoids and protect the body against harmful free radicals.  So, the more colorful your soup is, the wider range of antioxidant properties you will receive. Perhaps it's time to try out a new soup idea —25 veggie soup, anyone?
  • Soup Up Your Health- Oh, boy are we busy and getting busier as they years go on. So, busy in fact that many of us have foregone traditional ways of cooking in lieu of anything that is quick and easy aka fast food and microwavable dinners. The article by D Laurent states that there is a quick and easy solution to this, and you guessed it — it's soup! The piece goes on to discuss the wonders of stock, healing soups that aid digestion such as tomato and chicken and a general overview of the nutritional properties in soup. Who knew that onions have something called quercetin that is believed to have anti-cancerous, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. I'll eat to that!
  • Miso Soup: A Delicious Bowl Full of Health and Anti-Aging Benefits- I never doubted that miso was a healthy soup as it is essentially water and soybeans, but after reading this article by Barbara L. Minton I was shocked at just how healthy it really is. As a fermented food, it provides the body with good bacteria to aid with digestion, strengthen the immune system, enhance the absorption of nutrients, protect against certain cancers, as well as protect the body from aging. The article also includes a traditional miso recipe and various studies of this versatile wonder soup.
The Recipes

This is but no means a complete list of healthy soups, just a few recipes that recently caught my eye. Please feel free to include your own recipes in the comments.
 Seriously Soupy Serena


  1. I also made a yam soup recently
    I guess it's almost the same as sweet potato, right? But I did not think about adding anything to it. Love your idea of using cranberries! Will try it next time I cook it. Thanks!

  2. Hey Serena
    Thanks so much for the link to the Butternut Squash and Apple Soup - but my name is Christine, not Kia. I checked out your blog and it's got some great stuff, I just love home made soup! I'm going to be sure to post a link to it.

  3. Hi MollyMcB,
    Sorry about that. Wonder where I got Kia from? Anyway, I'll change that ASAP. I love Butternut Squash Soup, and the addition of apple sounded delicious! Thanks for the link add and let me know about any new soups you create. Would love to post them on here.:)
