
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Soup Recipe Exchange

As I have mentioned, I am in awe of the some amazing soupy creations out there, and although I already shared a listing of soups with you this week, I thought these bloggers and writers created some unique soupy concepts that I would love to test out and that you soupy people might also be interested in. Here are some of my favorites from this week:
  • Green Heirloom Tomato and Celeriac Soup-A gorgeous soup created by Cannelle et Vanille that uses fresh heirloom tomatoes, celery root, potatoes, and carrots for her son who requests a "soup and sandwich" every day. Since Cannelle is in Florida most of us can't get these type of tomatoes, but once this frost melts I will be sure to test this out. Also, check out her site for the pictures-amazing!
  • Sauerkraut Cabbage Roll Soup- This creation by Closet Cooking utilizes ground beef, brown rice, various spices, and fermented cabbage aka sauerkraut soup. Modified from It's All Gouda, this recipe is a filing stew (more water can be added to make it more soupy) that as Closet Cooking stated was like "eating stuffed cabbage rolls in soup form." Sounds pretty darn great to me!
  • Smokey Gulasch Soup-A soup from Anne's Food-a Swedish blogger, this smokey gulasch reminds me of meal that is essential to winter. Complete with beef, carrots, potatoes, and various spices (caraway, paprika, bell peppers, etc) the soup takes about two hours to prepare and cook and can even be topped off with Anne's homemade aioli. Also, recipe is in the metric system, so those of us (like me) who aren't as well-versed in that measurement you can always check here and here for the appropriate conversion.

P.S. Do you have a soup that you would like to be linked on Seriously Soupy? Please e-mail me your soup recipe or link to for consideration.

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