
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chicken Orzo Soup with Spinach

Chicken Orzo Soup with Spinach

Being sick is no fun and that is a very mild way to put it. Even though Seriously Soupy and the Seriously Soupy household obviously gets a good dosing of soup and healthy eats (in general) that doesn't mean ugly viruses can't rear their head into our lives, and this was certaintly the case this week. This ugly virus was so bad that I literally couldn't sit up-leaving me unable to post on my beloved blog. Today, things are MUCH better and this is mainly due to actually getting rest, drinking tons of liquids, and of course downing soup, specifically chicken orzo soup. Although the first couple of days, eating was nearly impossible, as I got better and my appetite slowly came back the only soup that I craved was a classic chicken-noodle type of a soup that was light, provided some sustenance, and simple enough to prep in my weakened state. I decided to use orzo instead of noodles and added in some spinach, zucchini, and mushrooms for a much-needed veggie boast. Pretty simple and nothing too inventive, but a soup I needed and one that I am sure glad to have now that there is an impending blizzard over here in NYC.

Chicken Orzo Soup with Spinach
water, enough to cover chicken
1 whole chicken
2-3 carrots, cut up length wise
2 parsnips, chopped up
1 zucchini, chopped up
1 cup of orzo
1 chive, chopped up
Handful of mushrooms, chopped up
Bunch of dill, tied together with white thread
Bunch of parsley, tied together with white thread
1 yellow onion, chopped up into small squares
handful of spinach
pinch of sea salt, adding and tasting as you go
White string or thread

Add water to the pot and let boil on a low flame. Chop up the onion and chives and tie the the parsley and dill together with white string and place these items into the pot. When the water starts boiling add the chicken, parsnips, and carrots and allow the broth to cook for two-three hours, checking on it periodically adding salt as you go. After that time, chop up the mushrooms and zucchini and add this to the pot. Let cook for another 30 minutes and add more water to a another pot for the orzo. Let boil and add the orzo. This is a really quick cooking process (about 10 minutes) and then grab a bunch of fresh spinach (wash first) and place it in a soup bowl along with a scoop of cooked orzo. Turn off the soup pot, test your broth, add salt (if necessary), and the pour it into your bowl. The spinach will wilt due to the heat and your soup is ready to go. Enjoy!

What soups get you through the cold or the inevitable winter months?
Seriously Soupy Serena

1 comment:

  1. this looks seriously amazing. great photos too. You'll feel better in no time with a soup like this
