
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Soup Recipe Exchange

Recipes, recipes, and even more recipes. I love the excitement of brainstorming and trying to develop new concepts and recipes for the site, but I also love reading and discovering what other bloggers, chefs, and foodies are creating. Here are some recipes that caught my eye and inspired me this week:
  • Spinach Sweet Pea Soup with Mint Cream. This is a soup that I would love to eat, but probably never would have thought to create on my own. There is nothing too intricate about its preparation or ingredients, but the combination of them (spinach, petite peas, onions, and cream), along with a separate recipe for mint cream seems like the perfect healthy winter soup. Developed by the Culturistas —Lady D and Lady Lay, the recipe seems super easy and a great way to get a good dose of your daily veggies while also being diverse enough that it can easily be transformed into a cold soup in the summer. I am very excited to try this soup, along with the mint cream, which I'm sure will be an unexpected but nice finish to this unique soupy.
  • Roman Egg Drop Soup. Developed by the Eceletic cook, Roman Egg Drop Soup or Stracciatella is a traditional Italian soup that has been a part of her life since her childhood in the 70s. Before she delves into the recipe, she tells the story of how this soup was an inspirational part of her childhood in a section of Canada called Park Extension. The detailed story depicts how she ate at her neighbors house that taught her to "cherish good, simple food." She also notes that this soup is the "heart of Italian cooking," that involves the use of minimal ingredients (eggs, Parmesan cheese, pepper, nutmeg, and broth) and preparation that can easily be re-created in your home.
  • Tortellini Sausage Soup. Blogger, Edenut Creates recently announced that she would be making a soups for several weeks during the winter. Already up to week six, she has recently created a filing and keyword-simple soup out of tortellini, sausage, and various veggies (carrots and zucchini). She also lists some substitutions such as sausage for chickpeas or sausage for ground meat, based on your preferences and/or dietary restrictions. It also seems like a great way to some more use out of leftover tortellini and give it a second life as a soup.
What are some exciting soup recipes that you saw this week?
Seriously Soupy Serena


  1. Great soup recipes. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Fabulous soup finds. This is a great blog for all soup lovers.

  3. So glad I found this site!

  4. what a great site. Thanks for featuring my soup. There are so many good soups out there and you have a great list here!

  5. Thanks for featuring my recipe, and thanks even more for some really great soup ideas! Nothing makes me happier when the winds are blowing and the snow is on the ground than a big pot of steaming soup.
