
Monday, December 14, 2009

Soup Book Review—A Beautiful Bowl of Soup

A Beautiful Bowl of Soup By Paulette Mitchell
Writing about soups isn't the easiest thing in the world, but you would never be able to tell that from reading Paulette Mitchell's "A Beautiful Bowl of Soup." Oozing with charm and an oh-so-warm personality only found by someone who truly loves what they are writing about, Mitchell's book about vegetarian soup preparation comes across as an effortless feat that newbie's and novice soup lovers are sure to enjoy.

Utilizing seasonal ingredients and featuring methods of soup preparation from around the world, "A Beautiful Bowl of Soup" makes it seem as if anyone can confidently prepare soups (and we can). Especially since Mitchell is there to gently hold our hands as we tackle the ins and outs of soup prep, including what equipment and ingredients we need, to how to make our own broth, to perfecting classic recipes, and how to make our soups really come together by making our own garnishes. And as we learn that soup is actually not-so-difficult to make through Mitchell's easy-to-understand instructions and tips, she lets go of her grasp and allows us to try some of her tasty variations all our own.

And of course what is a good soup book without the pictures? The stunning, textured, and not to mention mouth-watering images by William Meppen creates visually appealing connection to Mitchell's recipes that allows such creations as Chestnut Soup, Moroccan Red Lentil-Bean Stew, and even the seemingly boring Lettuce Soup come to life. Whether you prefer a creamy, hearty, cold, or a sweet dessert soup, "A Beautiful Bowl of Soup" is sure to feature something for everyone, including even the most verocious meat eater.

Photo Credit: Chronicle Books
"A Beautiful Bowl of Soup—the Best Vegetarian Recipes"
by: Paulette Mitchell
Photos by William Meppem
Chronicle Books—2004
Check it out at:


  1. Great review. This looks like it would make a perfect gift for under the Christmas tree!

  2. Thanks and very true. You can also check out the book at your local library, along with other soupy books:)
